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A range of providers offer courses to help you gain skills and qualifications which could help you find work, progress your career or provide training opportunities for your employees. 


Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is offering local businesses and employees access to a free online learning platform with SEEDL. Once registered, you can take part in an unlimited number of courses. Once a course is completed, participants can download a learning certificate to evidence their personal development in gaining additional skills and knowledge. As an accredited organisation, SEEDL provides training, workshops and events which can count towards continuing professional development, known as CPD hours.

Part-time and distance learning

BCoT's Aspiral Learning team offers a range of free* and flexible distance learning courses that are a great way to build your CV and demonstrate your commitment to continued professional development. Study can be undertaken at your own pace, starting at any time and an allocated individual tutor will support you throughout your learning journey.

They also offer part-time professional courses in subjects such as finance, human resources and business administration.


Apprenticeships develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Businesses that offer apprenticeships view them as beneficial to their long-term development. Apprentices can be new or current employees and can be used to recruit and train new staff or to develop existing staff. A number of providers including Basingstoke College of Technology and Basingstoke ITEC offer apprenticeships and The University of Winchester offers degree apprenticeships.

The Apprenticeship and Skills Partnership offers free and impartial advice to organisations of any size across Hampshire and Surrey on apprenticeship and skills training. It can help organisations to find the most suitable training provider and offer guidance on funding apprenticeship training, levy transfers and sourcing apprentices. 

If you are considering an apprenticeship you will also find information on The Apprenticeship and Skills Hub.

Skills Bootcamps

Gain new skills, change careers, or upskill in your current role with Hampshire County Council's Skills Bootcamps. These free courses offer sector-specific training and support, with guaranteed interviews for unemployed learners. Residents aged 19 and over living in the Hampshire area are eligible for the Hampshire County Council led Skills Bootcamps. There are a range of courses offered including Coding, Construction, Digital Marketing, Hospitality and project management.

Basingstoke College of Technology also offer Skills Bootcamps in Digital Marketing, Cyber Security, Health and Social Care and Early Years. They are free to all individual learners. Employers can also enrol their employees, where a small contribution will be required.

Hampshire Learns

Hampshire Learns offers courses that develop the skills, confidence, motivation and resilience of adults of different ages and backgrounds. Courses are delivered face to face at local venues such as community centres, libraries, and village halls across Hampshire as well as online. Subjects include Employability programmes to support learners into work, English and Maths, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Cookery and Food Preparation amongst others.

Training is free for Hampshire residents aged 19 and over who meet one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Without a full Level 2
  • In receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit
  • Families with school age children in receipt of free school meals
  • Have a learning difficulty and/or disability
  • Who are at risk of/have mental health needs

Green skills training

A series of free online green skills courses has been created and is available through the Innovation South Virtual Campus (ISVC) learning platform. The courses are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior knowledge and include these topics:

  • Carbon Literacy
  • Introduction to Domestic Retrofitting
  • Introduction to Retrofit Technologies
  • Introduction to Sustainable Resource Management
  • Rainwater and Greywater Harvesting
  • Tree Planting and Climate Change

The M3 Job Club 

If you’ve just been made redundant or looking to return to work, The M3 Job Club can help. Based in Basingstoke, it is a community-based charity made up of a voluntary group of experienced and enthusiastic professionals. It offers people ‘Get Back to Work’ workshops, coaching and mentoring so you can learn all the skills needed to shine in today’s jobs market.

Free Courses for Jobs

Basingstoke College of Technology offer a range of free Level 3 courses for those looking for a career change (subject to eligibility). These include both full-time courses in subjects such as accounting, hospitality and public services along with a number of distance learning courses. Find out more including eligibility requirements on the BCoT website.

Learning in Libraries

Hampshire Library Service offers a Community Adult learning programme designed to enhance your knowledge and skills, promote personal growth, explore your creative interests or simply broaden your horizon.

Other training

If you struggle with reading, you are not alone. Read Easy Basingstoke offers confidential, one-to-one coaching for adults who struggle to read.

The Skills Toolkit free courses from the National Careers Service will help you learn new skills, including general skills that apply to all sectors and more specialised skills. Screen Skills offer free e-learning courses for those looking to get into the screen industry. GCF has free courses to get you started with apps including Zoom, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Learn My Way offer a range of courses to help you to learn digital skills. Barclays LifeSkills is a free employability and financial education programme online.

The King's Trust (formerly Prince's Trust) run a range of programmes for those aged 16 to 30 years old who want to gain experience, skills, training, and the confidence to help them into work or start a business.

Universities within the area

The University Centre, Basingstoke offers higher-level study programmes designed to boost employment and career prospects in the area. The full and part-time courses range from entry-level access to higher education, from Higher National Certificates and foundation degrees, through to professional Level 7 qualifications.

Basingstoke is also within easy reach of seven universities in the region, including one Russell Group university – the University of Southampton. Courses in business, finance, technology and creative arts are widely available helping support the growth of our knowledge-based economy, together with more specialist areas such as engineering, medicine and real estate – helping to bolster the skills base available locally.

Find out more about education in Basingstoke and Deane.

Businesses wanting to find out more about what the benefits, costs and training of each scheme can find out more on the Government website.

*Subject to eligibility checks, these courses are government-funded and can be studied entirely online or in part with a range of supplied resources. 

Updated January 2025