Apprenticeships develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Businesses that offer apprenticeships view them as beneficial to their long-term development. Apprentices can be new or current employees and can be used to recruit and train new staff or to develop existing staff. A number of providers including Basingstoke College of Technology and Basingstoke ITEC offer apprenticeships and The University of Winchester offers degree apprenticeships.
The Apprenticeship and Skills Partnership offers free and impartial advice to organisations of any size across Hampshire and Surrey on apprenticeship and skills training. It can help organisations to find the most suitable training provider and offer guidance on funding apprenticeship training, levy transfers and sourcing apprentices.
The Basingstoke and Deane Apprenticeship Business Fund aims to support any micro business or SME to access talent through apprenticeships. Eligible businesses can apply for grants of £5,000 per apprentice to support with the costs of recruiting and retaining a new apprentice. Businesses can apply for funding for up to three new apprenticeships.
If you are considering an apprenticeship you will also find information on The Apprenticeship and Skills Hub.
Skills Bootcamps
Gain new skills, change careers, or upskill in your current role with Hampshire County Council's Skills Bootcamps. These free courses offer sector-specific training and support, with guaranteed interviews for unemployed learners. Residents aged 19 and over living in the Hampshire area are eligible for the Hampshire County Council led Skills Bootcamps. There are a range of courses offered including Coding, Construction, Digital Marketing, Hospitality and project management.
Hampshire Learns
Hampshire Learns offers courses that develop the skills, confidence, motivation and resilience of adults of different ages and backgrounds. Courses are delivered face to face at local venues such as community centres, libraries, and village halls across Hampshire as well as online. Subjects include Employability programmes to support learners into work, English and Maths, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Cookery and Food Preparation amoungst others.
Training is free for Hampshire residents aged 19 and over who meet one or more of the following characteristics:
- Without a full Level 2
- In receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit
- Families with school age children in receipt of free school meals
- Have a learning difficulty and/or disability
- Who are at risk of/have mental health needs
Green skills training
A series of free online green skills courses has been created and is available through the Innovation South Virtual Campus (ISVC) learning platform. The courses are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior knowledge and include these topics:
- Carbon Literacy
- Introduction to Domestic Retrofitting
- Introduction to Retrofit Technologies
- Introduction to Sustainable Resource Management
- Rainwater and Greywater Harvesting
- Tree Planting and Climate Change