Primary Education
Finding the right primary school for your child
Basingstoke and Deane falls within the county of Hampshire and Hampshire County Council is responsible for the education provision of the area.
There are 16 infant, 16 junior and 26 primary schools located in Basingstoke and Deane.
The Hampshire County Council website details how you can apply for a school place in the borough along with the deadlines for applications. You can also find all the schools in Basingstoke and Deane on its find a school website.
There are also seven independent schools in the borough catering for children of primary school age which each have their own admission processes:
- Sherfield School – Three months to eighteen years old.
- Daneshill School – Two to thirteen years old.
- Grantham Farm Montessori School and The Children’s House – Two to seven years old.
- Cheam Independant School - Three to 13 years old.
- Thornegrove School - Three to 13 years old.
- Horris Hill School - Three to 13 years old.
- St Michaels School - Five to 18 years old.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
There are four Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) schools located in the borough, covering or partially covering primary learning:
- Limington House School – Two to 19 years old.
- Maple Ridge School – Four to 11 years old.
- Saxon Wood School – Four to 11 years old.
- The Loddon School - Eight to 19 years old.
You can find a list of mainstream primary schools in Basingstoke and Deane with specialist resourced provision if your child has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
More information can be found on the Hampshire County Council website.
Primary school open days
Each school will have their own open days which will help you find the right school for your child. Schools often have catchment areas and other criteria as part of the application process which is detailed on the Hampshire County Council website. This is worth considering if you are looking to move home to get your child into a specific school.
Useful information
You’ll be able to find information on the Hampshire County Council website about those that are eligible for free school meals and school holiday dates.
If you are educating your child at home, either full or part-time, you can find out more information on the GOV UK website.
Updated December 2023
Local Education in numbers
infant schools
junior schools
primary schools
Independant schools for primary age
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) schools