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Explore where Jane Austen was born nearly 250 years ago. It was where the ideas for her world-famous novels such as Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma were moulded. 

On 16 December 1775 Jane Austen was born, the seventh out of eight children in the family in a rectory in Steventon. Her mother was Cassandra Leigh Austen and her father Reverand George Austen was Rector of Steventon for 40 years. Her parents were well respected in the community and she grew up in a household where creative thinking and learning was strongly encouraged. It was in this rectory, before the age of 25, that Jane drafted three novels; Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Northanger Abby.  

We are very lucky that, whilst Jane Austen’s home was demolished around 1824, Steventon Church still stands and it is well worth a visit to the beautiful village and church.

Visitors can view the site in which her home once stood. There is even an old limetree still standing, that is believed to have been planted by Jane's brother, James Austen. James was buried at Steventon church, alongside his wife and a memorial tablet in his honour is located in the church. 

Jane remained in Basingstoke for 25 years; shopping in Overton and Basingstoke, attending dances and observing, later written about, famous and often amusing scenarios of high society life.

 Jane, along with her sister Cassandra and their mother, followed her father when he decided to retire to Bath in 1801.

Jane Austen's letters book